
The online registration forms are to be found here.

Please select the correct form for your registration (24h / 12h or EXTREME)

If you want to register the drivers/co-pilots already now without knowing their name, please enter “TBA” in the name field.

As soon as we have received your registration, you will receive a confirmation of entry with all your registration details in the form of an excel-spreadsheet.

In this table you can subsequently enter the names and nationalities of drivers/co-pilots who have already been registered with “TBA”. You can also change the names and nationalities of drivers/co-drivers who have already registered if this becomes necessary due to changes in the team.

Please send us the table by email after every change. This is the only way we can keep our list of participants up to date.

For all drivers, co-pilots, additional people and vehicles that need to be registered later, please use the post-registration form.

Following the entry confirmation, we will send the participation fee invoice.

As soon as we have received the full participation fee, the registration will automatically become valid.

en_GBEnglish (UK)